Empowering Your Journey to Success
Select one of the following five membership types. Please note that only the Industry Partner membership type is available to non-Indigenous businesses and organizations. The other four membership types are only available to businesses or associations that are at least 51% Indigenous-owned or controlled.
Tourism Business
Tourism businesses or associations that are at least 51% Indigenous owned or controlled but are not yet market ready or are market ready but have not completed their The Original Original accreditation. Businesses applying for this membership type must complete a Market Readiness Checklist as part of their membership application.
Access to development programs
Access to funding opportunities
Listing in ITM and ITAC member directory
National advocacy and political representation by ITM
Guidance on accreditation
Eligible for ITM training and capacity development programs
Voting rights at ITM & ITAC if Business Ready by ITM checklist.
TOO Accredited – Business Ready Voting
You are at least 51% Indigenous owned and you have applied and received a Business Ready accreditation from ITAC. New or local-focused businesses beginning their journey into the market. These businesses establish foundational business practices aimed at local recognition and operational stability. This level is ideal for newer businesses aiming to become stable and viable in their communities.
Includes everything from the Non-Accredited membership type, plus…
Use of The Original Original logo
Opportunities to receive invitations to industry events as guests or presenters
Access to promotional codes for events or services
Voting rights at ITM & ITAC annual general meeting
Listing on IndigenousTourismManitoba.ca and
TOO Accredited – Visitor Ready Voting
You are at least 51% Indigenous owned and you have applied and received a Visitor Ready accreditation
from ITAC. More mature businesses seeking to expand their market reach. Includes businesses that are
equipped to handle larger groups and seasonal changes. They meet additional standards that ensure a high-quality visitor experience and readiness for more regional or national tourism demand.
Includes everything from the Business Ready membership type, plus…
Opportunities for inclusion in featured assets such as
websites and ITM presentations
Opportunities to participate in familiarization trips for
international tour operators
Opportunities for inclusion in paid domestic
marketing campaigns
Opportunity to participate in the Rendez-vous Canada
(RVC) Mentorship Program
Images may be used for marketing and
communication materials
TOO Accredited – Export Ready Voting
You are at least 51% Indigenous owned and you have applied and received an Export Ready accreditation from ITAC. Well-established businesses that cater to international visitors and are integrated into the global travel trade. These businesses offer specialized services and work closely with tour operators, destination marketing organizations, and other travel networks to attract culturally diverse and international markets.
Includes everything from the Visitor Ready membership type plus…
Images will be prioritized for marketing and
communication materials
Featured in Nations Magazine
Opportunities for packages to be featured on
IndigenousTourismManitoba.ca & DestinationIndigenous.ca
Business-to-business engagement opportunities
Participation at Rendez-vous Canada (RVC) and other trade events
Industry Partners Non-voting
Indigenous or non-Indigenous businesses, organizations, associations, or persons within Canada who wish to support ITM’s vision and mission.
Listing in ITM Member Directory communication materials
National advocacy and political representation by ITM
Access to annual general meeting as a non-voting
Priority on call for proposals
Networking opportunities
Access to data, studies, research and training
as published by ITM
Participation in ITM events
Eligible for ITM training and capacity development programs